
Nom du projet :
Coordinating and synchronising multimodal transport improving road, rail, water and air transport through increased automation and user involvement

Financement :
Union Européenne H2020

Durée du projet :
2021 - 2024

Responsable du projet au sein du laboratoire MATRiS :
Chloé Eyssartier

Responsable du projet :

The problem addressed by ORCHESTRA is that traffic caused by transport has many negative effects. There are congestions, delays, emissions and negative impacts on urban environments, and in case of disruptions, there may be huge consequences on the efficiency and timeliness. These challenges are hard to handle due to lack of coordination and collaboration between the different transport modes.
The long-term vision of ORCHESTRA is a future where it is easy to coordinate and synchronise the traffic management of all modes to cope with diverse demands and situations. The overall objective of ORCHESTRA is to provide European policy makers, public authorities, transport providers and citizens with new knowledge and technical and organisational solutions to enhance collaboration and synchronising of operations within and across transport modes.

Membres impliqués
  • Chloé Eyssartier
  • Bruno Dewailly
  • Marie Douet
  • Ludovic Vaillant
  • ITS Norway
  • TU Delft
  • HES-SO
  • IKEM
  • IOTA
  • SEA
  • DBL
  • Cerema
  • FST
  • ISC
  • AA
  • HIP
  • ENAV
  • NPRA
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